We help you understand your mental health.

Integrated and holistic psychiatric consultations, in person or online, with experienced, medically qualified professionals.

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A mental health consultation with a psychiatrist for personality disorder and ADHD

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About Us

Find out more about Integra Psychiatry, our approach and our clinicians.

more about integra psychiatry

Our Services

We offer a range of services, tailored to assess and treat your mental health needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Find out what other clients often ask and our answers.

Read our FAQs

Contact Us

Confidentially contact us online to see if Integra is the right service for you and to arrange your first appointment.

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Conditions we assess and treat

We have specialist expertise in a number of areas including:


Assessment and treatment of anxiety disorders including Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Phobias and Social Anxiety Disorder.

Browse Services

Bipolar Affective Disorder and Depression

We can diagnose and treat depression and other mood conditions, including bipolar disorder. Although symptoms of low mood can often be as a result of other difficulties.

Browse Services


Traumatic experiences are common - we can help you understand and move past experiences of trauma.

Browse Services

Medically Unexplained Symptoms

Whole Person Psychiatry can help you understand physical symptoms that other branches of medicine may not have been able to explain.

Browse Services

Personality Disorders

We can help you understand how your past experiences may shape who you are today.

Browse Services

Adult ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is increasingly being recognised as underpinning other difficulties that people may struggle with.

Browse Services

Testimonials from our clients

Extremely professional, empathic and engaging

I’m very pleased that Vish was recommended to me. I had one Zoom consultation with him and, despite being slightly nervous and with a speech impediment affected by feelings of pressure, he pretty much immediately put me at ease. He was extremely professional, empathic, engaging, appropriately curious, reassuring and constructive. I felt he got to the heart of the issue very quickly so the meeting was immediately productive and focussed. He pointed me in the right direction for ongoing help and left the door open for further communication should I feel the need.

Name Confidential, July 2021

Far brighter and happier in myself

Vish has been really great with me. He listens when I talk and genuinely takes an interest in me and what I have to say. He talks ‘my language’ and I’m always able to follow and understand him - some medical professionals talk in medical jargon, Vish never does that.

He always calls when he says he’s going to do and always send reports and updates following our calls. He also keeps me updated with my treatment and next steps.

He checks in regularly to make sure I’m fine and links in with the Doctor regarding my medication.

As a result of the intervention by Vish, I’m feeling far brighter and happier in myself. I’m grateful for everything he has done for me, his help has been invaluable.

Name Confidential, June 2021

Very respectful, intelligent, and supportive medical professional.

Dr Geol was very helpful and took time to understand my situation and to come up with a way to assist and improve my current situation. He was very kind and compassionate.

Name Confidential, 2024

Get in Touch

Schedule an appointment today

Your query will be triaged and dealt with, usually within 48 hours. Depending on your needs, you will be offered a in person or online video consultation with Dr Goel. This will last up to 50 minutes, with the final 10 minutes for discussion about the plan, if needed. You will receive a report within a week of consultation, which can be shared with your GP or other professionals at your discretion.